Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Charity Xmas Drive and World Cup Driving

It's back, and with a difference.
EACDG Xmas charity drive, Sunday 29th December 2019 at Ashfields Carriage Driving Centre CM6 1JU. Leaving Ashfields at 11.00am.

Long and short route available, Stew/ casserole with bread included, £15.00 minimum donation per turnout.

Also, we will be running mini World Cup driving in the indoor school for those who want some additional fun, there will be two obstacles with cones between, for you to come and drive for just £5.00 for two runs, body protectors and hard hats compulsory.

Please note, if you are not an EACDG member you will need to provide adequate insurance, also the organisers retain the right to refuse World Cup Driving to drivers or vehicles who are not deemed suitable on the day.

To book, or for further details please email

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

AGM 2019 - please let Zoe know you are coming

Just a reminder that the 2019 AGM will be held at Ashfields Carriage Driving Centre this Sunday 10th November, 6.30 for 7.00pm start.

For those of you who are attending can you please drop Zoe Morgan a text on 07770944868 with numbers to enable her to ensure there is adequate food on the night.

We look forward to seeing you there.