Friday, 12 October 2018

Indoor Training with Wilf Bowman Ripley - Ashfields

We are excited to announce that Ashfields are offering the chance for Indoor Training for the 2018/2019 winter season.
Dates are as follows;
Sunday 21st October.
Sunday 25th November.
Sunday 2nd December.
Cost is £40 for 30 minutes or £70 per hour, the hour sessions can be shared by two turnouts if required.
Dressage and Cones Training in the morning sessions and Obstacle Training in the afternoons.
The majority of the training will be carried out by Wilf Bowman Ripley but Minta Winn will also be available if required.
These places will fill up quickly and are offered on a first come first served basis, so don't delay.
For available time slots and to book your preferred trainer please contact me on 07508724333

Best regards Malcolm Brown 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Ashfields Open Day 6th October

Ashfields open day!

Come and have a look around the facilities, view the carriage museum, new and secondhand harness for sale, master class with Wilf Bowman Ripley on the art of obstacle driving, leather workshop now open.
6th October 2018 2pm-6pm.

Refreshments and cake being served in the function room, that is available to hire for parties, weddings meetings and corporate events.
Ashfields Carriage and Polo Club, Great Canfield, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1JU

One day event Sunday 30th September Cancelled

Due to a severe lack of entries for the fun day 1 day event on the 30th September, we unfortunately have been forced to cancel this event, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Please remember our AGM on Saturday 6th October 6.30 pm where we will be discussing the issues regarding cancellation of events.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

One day event Sunday 30th September

May I take this opportunity to remind you that our last event of this year is fast approaching.

It will be a one day-fun day event, on Sunday 30th September to be held at Ashfields Carriage Driving Centre. The format will be announced shortly but is liable to be along the lines of:

Marathon dress for the entire event.

Dressage, either your standard class test or we can offer the Indoor test for those planning to compete indoors this season, we will need to know your preference.

Marathon and cones, we will combine a cones course between 3 hazards that you will drive twice, between 4-5km, paces to be confirmed.

Entries close on 20th September, we need a minimum of 25 entries to make this work, if we do not get the numbers then we will cancel this event.

Please note....There will be NO late entries accepted, if you wish to take advantage of this extended weather then get your entries in now.

We look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Eacdg 2018 AGM Sat 6th October 6:30pm Ashfields

Hi All,

This years AGM will be held on Saturday 6th October 2018 at 6.30pm at Ashfields Carriage Driving Centre, this is open to all full and associate members and there will be food supplied.

We will soon be sending out an Agenda and the accounts for this year, can you please send any questions in by email so we can prepare the correct response for the evening.

We are looking to expand the committee next year and as such we will be sending out a list of positions available soon, please give some consideration as to whether you may be able to assist the club by taking on one of the roles.

If you have any further questions then please feel free to email me or contact any committee member. 

Best regards

Malcolm Brown

East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

More - Club Championships 2018 at Ashfields

As we count down the days to the Club championships, can I take this opportunity to let you know that the Ashfields club house will be open from lunchtime on Friday serving drinks and pub style food from the bar until the evening, then again all day Saturday for breakfast and snacks etc.

Saturday evening the briefing will be at 6pm to be followed by a complimentary Pimms then the BBQ.

On Sunday, open again all day.

If you haven't already booked your BBQ tickets please text Zoe on 07770944868 as soon as possible. 

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Club Championships 2018 at Ashfields 18-19 August

Just a little reminder that the closing date for the 2018 club championships to be held at Ashfields on 18-19 August is just a few days away on midnight of 8th August.

Also, for those Novices who haven't yet qualified for the National Championships at Cricklands on September 14-16th we are offering this event as a National Novice Qualifier.

Further details here

Here is a link to the entries page

This will be our last two day event of the season so please get your entries in soon. 

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

2 Day training Camp and 1 Day Event July 27-29

Just a little reminder that entries close midnight on Tuesday 17th for the 2 day training camp at Ashfields on Friday 27th and Saturday 28 July, full details here don't be disappointed, get your entries in now.

Also, you only have until midnight on Thursday 19th June to get your entries in for the one day event immediately following the training camp on Sunday 29th June, a perfect opportunity to try out the new skills you learn at camp.

Its only a one day event, no need to dress up, marathon dress is the norm for the event, only 3 obstacles to drive in the shortened marathon, don't miss it, it'll be fun!

As a final reminder, for those of you who haven't already, can you please take just a few minutes to complete the short survey regarding the recent cancellation of Sandringham, we really need your feedback regarding the future of this event. here is the link again for those of you who may have lost it  


 We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Blandings 2 Day Event - 14th-15th July - Pims!

Just a quick reminder that our next event is just two weeks away on the 14th-15th July, it is a two day and one day combined event kindly organised by Louise at Blandings Carriage Driving Centre, full details can be found here:

Entries close at midnight on the 4th july so please get your entries in now, you can enter as usual on the EACDG website or directly with Louise on 07743932907

The EACDG committee will be organising a Pimms and nibbles reception on the Saturday evening, everyone is welcome.

We will also have a questionnaire for those attending, regarding the recent cancellation of the club event Sandringham and events moving forward, this questionnaire will also be made available shortly both online and on the EACDG facebook page.

We hope to see you all there.

Drive safe and see you soon. 

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Sandringham Horse driving Trials 2018 - club event cancelled

It is with much regret that we have to inform you that due to insufficient numbers, we have been forced to cancel the club event at Sandringham 2018.

The committee, over the last few days, have been working tirelessly together with the organisers of the National Event, looking into various options to try to make the event work, we have looked into many proposals including running alongside and immediately after the national competitors, unfortunately, insufficient entries have simply made it unviable.

Arrangements will be made over the next few days to reimburse your entry fees.

We know you will be disappointed but hope to see you at our next two day event held at Blandings Carriage Driving Centre on 14th - 15th July, entries close on the 4th July. 

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Sandringham Horse Driving Trials

Its good to see the weather has finally made a change for the better, I can't believe it's June already (where did that go?).

For those of you who haven't done already, please get your entries in for Eacdg Sandringham. This is one of the most picturesque venues we have, driving in the Royal grounds and through the Royal gardens, beautiful doesn't even come close to describing it.

Last year, entries were down and the club only just broke even, if the entries don't increase there is the risk of this event not running, if we take the decision to cancel then we will lose our venue deposit and there is the strong possibility that we may lose this venue in the future, as this is one of the most prestigious events of the year it would be such a shame not to be able to offer it as part of our yearly schedule.

There is plenty to see at this venue, there is an FEI National and Young Drivers Event, the CIAT Concours Internationale d'Attelage de Tradition will be having their Meet and Drive Saturday 1st & 2nd July, The British Coaching Club – will be having their meet and drive from the Sandringham show ground on Friday 29th June and on top of all this you have our annual 2 day club event. Where else will you be able to drive 6 of the same obstacles as the National Competitors?

All this by gracious permission of Her Majesty The Queen.

Please vote with your feet and get your entries in, it's your club, it's your money let's not lose it.

Entries close on Wed 20 Jun 2018, don't leave it too late.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Blandings 2 Day Event May 26-27

Hi All,
This is a reminder that our next event is fast approaching, it's a combined event which you can enter as normal for the two day event or if you prefer and you are a pre novice pony, small pony or have a very inexperienced horse/pony you can just do a one day event but on the same weekend.
This event is at the idyllic settings of Blandings Farm Carriage Driving at Chippenham in Cambridgeshire, just north of Newmarket, there are excellent hazards, good grounds which are hardly ever affected by the weather, and to top that Louise and Kim always make everyone welcome. 
The event is on 26th -27th May and the bookings close on midnight of this wednesday 16th, dont leave it too late, full details can be found here
You can book online as usual on the EACDG website.
On another note, we desperately need some additional stewards for this event for the marathon on the 27th, you will be very well looked after and catered for. For further details please contact Louise on 07743932907
Please try and support this event, if you can't compete then please consider helping and stewarding, remember, without the generosity of the people who give up their time to steward then these events just simply couldn't go ahead. 
Hopefully we will see you all there. 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Dear all, with much regret we are forced to cancel the 2 day event this weekend 14/15th April 2018 as Ashfields is under water. We hope you understand.

Zoe and Wilf have offered up a possible alternative date on 28/29th April.  Please can you e-mail Lorna if you intend to enter so we can see if its a viable option.  Everyone will be refunded for this event.

We thank you for your support.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Dear all, we are very sorry to announce that we have been forced cancel this week's training at Ashfields as the ground is waterlogged and the forecast is more rain tonight and tomorrow. The trainers have some availability for next Thursday and Friday 26/27th April so please e-mail Lorna at if you would like to move your training to those dates or have a refund,
We are planning on running the 2 day event this weekend but further wet weather could possibly jeopardise this. We will make a final decision on Thursday lunchtime and inform you all as soon as we know.
We hope you all understand.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Hi All,

We were at Ashfields today checking things out for our first two day event of the season and national novice qualifier, we can report that the fields are drying up nicely, unfortunately rain is forecast for Sunday but hopefully it will be short-lived and the ground will continue to dry. The hazards are looking good and the temporary stables have now been erected.

The stable field will be open from 12pm on Friday for those who are not training beforehand, please do not arrive earlier except by arrangement.

Note that you must use a waterproof membrane or solid matting in side- stabling and in any horse enclosure, which must not be more than 10’ x 10’ for each horse or pony. Electric fencing may be used to make a pen if you do not have a stable. A small number of stables are available for

hire: contact Zoe Morgan, 07770 944868.

The clubhouse bar and facilities are open all day Saturday/Sunday. There will be a 2 course meal for everyone on Saturday evening at £12.50 per head, with a vegetarian choice: you can book meals by contacting Zoe, again on 07770 944868 Please be aware that some parts of the Horsebox field may be soft so please walk to the area that you wish to park in and check the ground first, park in line, at least 6m away from any lorry, trailer, tent or caravan.

Water, toilets, horse waste disposal facilities are on site: please take your rubbish home and leave your site clean. Kindly keep your dog under control and be considerate of other people and animals. EACDG rules

apply: please read them on our website.

Get your season going with our two day spring competition and national novice qualifier. Meet up at our free Pimms reception in the clubhouse at 6:30pm on Friday.


We look forward to seeing you all there.



Best Regards


Monday, 2 April 2018

Hi Everyone, we hope you had a Happy Easter and didn't get too wet.

Our First competition of the 2018 season is virtually upon us, it is a two day event incorporating a National Novice Qualifier held at the Ashfield Carriage Driving Centre at Great Canfield, entries are closing on midnight of the 4th April, that is just 3 days away, please note that if you are intending to enter there will be No Late Entries accepted, so get your entry in now.

Dressage and cones will be held as usual on Saturday with the marathon on Sunday, Marathon will be Three sections, approximately 11km with a maximum of 6 obstacles including water, subject to weather and ground conditions, further details can be found in the events section of the website 

If you are unable to compete but wish to come along and help with stewarding or similar then please call Lorna on 07855 451413 and she will discuss how you may be able to help. Don't be shy, its one of the best ways to get involved if you are a newcomer.

As usual we will have a number of official photographers on site during the event, these photographers give up their time to try to give you some special memories of the event, please try to support them by checking out their work and maybe purchasing a little memento of the occasion, if we don't support them then we may lose them, we don't want to see this happen. Our Official Photographers are easily recognizable by their blue tabbards, please feel free to approach them before the show commences if you want something special. On site printing will be available in the clubhouse for this event kindly supplied by Melody Fisher Photography.

We will supply our photographers contact details on your event paperwork when you arrive.

We look forward to seeing you all soon, have fun and drive safe.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Hello all, the first event of the season is fast approaching and its going to be a big event, we already have lots of entries and we will be closing the books soon, so if you are planning to enter please do so without delay (we will not accept late entries).

Please note, in order to get everyone to the correct cones width and make the marathon run smoothly we have very limited availability for competitors sharing grooms , priority will be given on a first entered first served basis, please get your own groom/backsteppers sorted! Thank you.

If you are planning to share grooms/backsteppers can you please make sure you mention this on the notes section of your entry so we can ensure we can try to accommodate your wishes.

Please Note. We cannot accept entries where one person is planning to groom/backstep for three drivers  due to the complexity of organising times etc.

We are all looking forward to seeing you at what's looking like an exciting event.

Drive safe and have fun.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee

Friday, 16 March 2018

Dear all, the training days at Ashfields on the 12/13th April are now full , but I will be running a waiting list in case we have any withdrawals. If you wish to be put on the waiting list please e-mail and let me know, thank you Lorna.

Also, a little reminder that places for our first two day event with NNQ on 14-15th April are filling up and entries close on the 4th of April (just over two weeks). Please note that due to the time involved in organising these events no late entries will be accepted.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Hi Everyone and welcome to the first email of the 2018 season, this year we are planning to send out regular emails to you to keep you informed of up and coming events, results from events as the season opens up and any other information that we feel you may benefit from.

Our first training day's are on the 12th and 13th of April at Ashfields, your trainers are Anna Grayston, Sara Howe and Minta Winn, they will be offering flat work, cones, and obviously there will also be a hazard open for training purposes should you require. Places are filling up quickly so if you wish to take advantage of this pre season opportunity then get your bookings/time slots in soon. For any newcomers requiring an assessment you can get this done at the same time. As always you can enter directly from the website

Our first event of the season is the 14th and 15th of April (immediately after the training days), its a two day event and also a National Novice Qualifier. It will be our normal format of Dressage and Cones on Saturday followed by Marathon on Sunday. Please be aware that all open singles and multiple turnouts will be required to complete the new BC Test 2 (2018) for dressage unless you request otherwise on your booking form. The Marathon will be 6 Obstacles and approximately 13km. Again, as its the first event of the year entries are coming in quickly so please don't leave it until the last minute to get your bookings in. You can book in directly on the link above.

For those of you who haven't already renewed your membership then please take this as a gentle reminder that memberships are now open and due.

We hope you will all have a successful season but most importantly drive safely and have fun.

Best Regards
East Anglian Carriage Driving Group Committee.